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Good News!

The latest from the Green Schools community across Nova Scotia: Stories, Green News, Contests, Events & More!


GREEN HERO MAREN!! Please join us in acknowledging our youngest GREEN HERO, from Great Village Elementary Maren was nominated for taking initiative and rinsing out all the milk containers her…

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Happy New Year Green Schools! We hope that you all had a safe and happy holiday season. To kick off the first News Story of 2021, we wanted to start…

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Our Northern EO, Angie, had the pleasure of engaging with students enrolled in AgriFood at Northumberland Regional High. During their time together, they talked about Food, Energy & Sustainability from…

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Please join us in acknowledging these GREEN HEROES from Winding River Consolidated in Stewiacke! Joel (grade 1) and Justin (grade 3) were nominated for taking initiative and picking up the…

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Last week, EO Genaya conducted the “Art to Save Energy” Webinar with a class of very enthusiastic, super creative, grade four students at Bras D’or Elementary. During the presentation, Genaya…

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Last year we had the words energy jeopardy spreading around the schools in the Green Schools Program. Energy Jeopardy is a fun, interactive, competition that is done alongside some Green…

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