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Good News!

The latest from the Green Schools community across Nova Scotia: Stories, Green News, Contests, Events & More!

The Watts Off Energy Challenge is back! This exciting program was developed by Green Schools and Efficiency NS to challenge Grade six classes all across Nova Scotia to be the…

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A new article to come out every day about climate change, encouraging us to switch our sources of energy from Oil, Coal, Gas, to renewables. Switching to renewable energy is…

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This week we heard of another amazing Green Hero, Michael Braunmiller. Michael is a Grade 2 student from Riverside School in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Michael is often seen helping…

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Here at Green Schools we are always looking for new and innovative ways to unite school communities that have one common goal: to adopt smarter energy habits and become more…

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Friday the 13th, the day after a full moon and just before Christmas…  we say that is a perfect time to visit Shelburne High School’s students! Grade 9 students were…

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We have been promoting a lot of Green Heros across the province, students doing inspiring work to help protect our Earth. We love hearing stories about how these young minds…

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