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Good News!

The latest from the Green Schools community across Nova Scotia: Stories, Green News, Contests, Events & More!

The students at Maupeltuewey Kina’matno’kuom (Membertou School) have been sorting the garbage, recycling, and compost in their cafeteria for years. However, last fall they found an great alternative to curbside…

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Since April 22nd happened on a Sunday this year, staff and students at Bible Hill Consolidated School celebrated on Thursday, April 19th. Groups of students visited five different eco-friendly stations, each with a different…

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Version française I rose with the sun on the morning of April 25th, 2018, and made my way to the Acadian Shore on the south-west peninsula of Nova Scotia. During…

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Wow, Rankin School of the Narrows is on a roll! Students and staff are keeping plastic out of landfills and oceans, diverting waste, providing homes for birds, and saving energy…

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In the fall, Green Schools NS was invited to spend some time with Kate Whalen’s Primary class at John W. Macleod-Fleming Tower School. We visited this enthusiastic class to talk…

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Scotsburn Elementary School students are working hard to keep our Earth green! Green Schools NS Engagement Officer Pam visited students in Scotsburn on April 25th at the invitation of Mrs Sarah…

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