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Good News!

The latest from the Green Schools community across Nova Scotia: Stories, Green News, Contests, Events & More!

Paper Roll Fairy Houses!

Upcycled toilet paper tube fairy houses…decorated with felt! Click HERE for full article.

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Petite Rivière Elementary School hosted their 1st Annual Clothing Swap! Their swap was perfectly timed and even had an education component! In their weekly newsletter leading up the event they…

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The Sir Charles Tupper Elementary Green Team put their vegetable garden to bed early last month for the winter by adding compost to it. They’re continuing their green efforts by…

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Happy Goats!

Cambridge and District Elementary School is doing their part to waste less! This year they have started to make big changes in their school kitchen. First, they replaced all the…

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Engagement Officer Tabitha Coleman visited G.R. Saunders Elementary School earlier this month to meet with the Grade 3 class as a follow-up to Tamara Sealy’s Nutrients for Life visit! During…

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Northumberland Regional High School had their Green Team’s 4 Elements two day conference: Earth-Wind-Fire-Rain last month! With the support of Green Team Leader Mary Alice Ali and other staff, the…

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