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Winter is here, and with frigid temperatures, blizzards, and unpredictable weather, kids can get bored when stuck indoors. Take advantage of this time for some eco-challenges! Students can challenge themselves…

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Electricity is useful for doing so many things, like lighting up a room, doing laundry, and making breakfast. But electricity hasn’t always been readily available through the sockets in our…

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I remember well my first engagement with Mme Colette’s Grade five class at École Acadienne de Truro. It was a beautiful sunny morning on November 10th, 2016. It was on this day that I…

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Off-grid living is defined as “not using or depending on public utilities, especially the supply of electricity,” (Oxford Dictionary, 2011). Those who live off the grid have removed themselves from…

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Do you know where your waste goes after it is collected? The Colchester Solid Waste Management Department has three facilities in Kemptown, Nova Scotia, that process recyclables, organics, and garbage from Colchester County….

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Five grade 12 students from Green School Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre/Academy (CBHA) recently learned how to use Global Information Systems (GIS) to conduct research and present their findings on an…

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