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Our Northern EO, Angie, had the pleasure of engaging with students enrolled in AgriFood at Northumberland Regional High. During their time together, they talked about Food, Energy & Sustainability from…

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Last week, EO Genaya conducted the “Art to Save Energy” Webinar with a class of very enthusiastic, super creative, grade four students at Bras D’or Elementary. During the presentation, Genaya…

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Last year we had the words energy jeopardy spreading around the schools in the Green Schools Program. Energy Jeopardy is a fun, interactive, competition that is done alongside some Green…

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In honor of Mi’kmaq History Month, we wanted to feature some of our amazing Indigenous schools and their wonderful initiatives! Today we look at Maupeltuewey Kina’matno’kuom, an energy-efficient school in…

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Outside From the Outside

Nova Scotia schools have been taking lessons outside! Outdoor learning is excellent for both physical and mental health, not to mention, excellent for saving energy! Heading outside means natural light,…

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I am sure you’ve heard the name before, LED Light Bulb, but what does that even mean? And does it really save you that much money? Well let’s take a…

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