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Ian’s Trip to Yarmouth and the Acadian Shore.

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Ian’s trip through Yarmouth and the Acadian Shore, visiting CSAP schools in the region, was an awesome blend of environmental education and cultural immersion. During his visits to local École secondaire de Par-en-Bas, École Stella Maris, and École secondaire de Clare, he discovered a strong commitment to sustainability among students and staff. 

He was particularly impressed by an art project in a 10th grade class at École secondaire de Par-en-Bas, where students were designing outdoor campsites from recycled classroom materials. Witnessing this balance of creativity and environmental education was inspiring.

His trip also allowed him to immerse himself in the local Acadian culture and experience their generous hospitality. Along the way, he passed by historic churches like the Sainte-Marie Church and the Saint Bernard Church. He even caught a bit of a traveling Bluegrass band, the Slocan Ramblers, at the local music hall “Le Richelieu”. Ian also took in some of the natural beauty of the area, stopping at Smugglers Cove and Mavilletteville Beach. His accommodations even offered free kayak rentals, allowing him to explore Clearwater Lake in Clare, Nova Scotia.

Ian left the region with a deep appreciation for its beauty, culture, and commitment to sustainability. He hopes to return soon to experience more of this beautiful part of the province.

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